Executive Officers 2024 - 2025
Maria J. Rivera, QPA, RPPS
City of Perth Amboy
voice: (732) 826-0290 ext. 4010
Vice President:
Kevin O’Keefe, QPA
Madison Borough
voice: (973) 593-3036
Denise Piszkowski, QPA
Township of Branchburg
voice: (908) 526-1300 x101
Michael Kupec, Jr.,
Purchasing Assitant
Bergen County
voice: (201) 336-7107

The Department of Labor & Workforce Development has issued a press statement on
July 17, 2024 about Reporting of Certified Payrolls by Contractors
Sharing the handout PDF for the presentation provided at the June 18th
meeting by
Michele Meade, Deputy Director NJ State DLGS
Competitive Contracting Handout
Sharing the PPP3 Aggregation portion as provided at the March 18th
meeting by
Mark Pfeiffer
Aggregation - excerpted from PPP3 Manual
New LFN Issued regarding:
Russia-Belarus Law Developments &
Implementation Required by Contracting Units
Note: This Notice updates and supplements guidance in Local Finance Notice 2023-11.
Local officials should review both notices.
OSC Power Point Slide Presentation (as PDF) from September 21st meeting
NEW Mandatory GovConnect Enrollment Categories
The Local Finance Board recently adopted amendments to N.J.A.C. 5:30-16.2 requiring the following officials to enroll in GovConnect by November 1, 2023: Municipal Business Administrators and Managers, County Administrators and Managers, Certified Public Works Managers (CPWMs), and individuals designated to serve as a local unit's PURCHASING AGENT (both QPA and non-QPA). The covered officials will receive GovConnect and E-Government for Government (EGG) notifications via e-mail from the Division of Local Government Services (DLGS).
The above-referenced officials MUST REGISTER by November 1, 2023 by emailing EGG@dca.nj.gov with their name, title, local unit, and email address. Once registered in the DLGS GovConnect Portal, the official will receive an email from EGG with instructions on how to activate the authorization code on the MyNewJersey portal.
Municipal CFOs, County CFOs, Municipal Clerks, Clerks to County Boards of Commissioners, and Tax Collectors are reminded of their current obligation to enroll in GovConnect. The board of commissioners
for each local authority (including regional authorities) and fire districts must also designate at least one representative to be enrolled in GovConnect. Officials holding one or more of these roles and have not yet registered must contact EGG@dca.nj.gov to initiate the signup process. A Municipal Clerk or Tax Collector, or a Municipal or County CFO, will be required to authorize access by providing a resolution, email, or similar documentation upon their registration.
Officials are responsible for updating their GovConnect enrollment information.
Notice sent to: Administrators/Managers; Municipal & County CFOs; Procurement Officials; Municipal
Clerks; Clerks - Boards of County Commissioners; Authorities; Fire Districts; Certified Public Works Managers; Auditor Listserv; DLGS Listserv (Municipal Clerks please forward to QPAs and any newly appointed Officials).
Older News Items are now under the Resources tab, last items. |
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Association for Over 40 Years
established 1977

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